Alumni at AAUBS
Aalborg University Business School (AAUBS) is proud to stay in touch, engage and collaborate with alumni, companies and organisations who share our vision and strive to contribute to the sustainable development of the local business community and support the tradition of close collaboration between the university and industry.
Staying in touch with the industry and being connected to “real life” is crucial for AAU Business School. Therefore, we collaborate with the local and national enterprises in various ways.
Below, you will find the primary directions for our collaboration. If you have any questions or would like to suggest a new way of working together, please contact us.
- Get research support for your business
- Become a mentor
- Hire a student
- Hold a guest lecture
- Become a case company for student projects
- Hire a Ph.D. student (industrial Ph.D.)
To stay up to date and continuously improve, you can look into our MBA programme, or check the theories and tools that are currently taught at both, undergraduate and graduate level.
Aalborg University offers a fully accredited further development of the classic Master of Business Administration (MBA). The programme is based on AAU's advanced and internationally recognized teaching model with problem solving and application orientation as the basic approach to the study.
For more details, please visit the programme website (in Danish).
To stay up to date and follow the latest developments in the world of Economics and Business Administration, check the currently taught theories and cases, by accessing current curriculums of our educational programmes.
Being part of the Alumni network, you can enjoy some benefits.
Among other offers, as member AAU Business school Alumni, you get access to all Erhverv Norddanmark's events and can get closer to the business community of the North Denmark Region.
An AAU Alumni membership also gives you access to the University Library in Aalborg, Copenhagen and Esbjerg and a large number of the services offered by the library. Read more about available library services.
Last, but not least, we are striving to grow out virtual Business community and invite all Business School alumni to join our group on LinkedIn. There you can expect to receive the latest updates about the coming events, articles written by our students and researchers, podcasts produced at the Business school and much more.
On average, every year, about 350 graduate and 350 undergraduate students complete their education at Aalborg University Business School. Most of the students finish their education within the expected study period, with no delays.
The programmes taught in English attract a high number of international students. 21% of AAU Business School students have foreign background. Most of the international students come from Asia (8%) and Eastern Europe (6%).
Our study programmes also demonstrate a good gender balance. On average, there are 40% female and 60% male students at both, Master’s and Bachelor’s degree level.
According to our data, it takes under half a year for the majority of our graduates to find their first job. The numbers vary depending on the study programme. The average level of employment for Master’s programmes graduates is 65% after the first 6 months. The highest employment rates are demonstrated by M.Sc. in Business Economics and Auditing graduates – about 80% have a job within the first half a year after graduation.
About half of our graduates find their first job in the North Denmark Region, 16% move to the Capital area and a whole 17% find their first job outside Denmark – mostly in Europe and Nordic countries (Alumni surveys data).
Some of our graduates engage in entrepreneurial activities. According to UddannelsesZOOM's data, about 6% of our former students start their own business after graduating.
Alumni coordinator
Valeria Gulieva
Phone: +45 9940 2756